Tuesday, January 31, 2012

LoL: sharing the Love

Every few days I check the League's Homepage to see if anything new has happened, and so then I can turn around and report it to you, since you guys love to hear me go on about the LoL so much. However, today I found that something new HAS happened! As it turns out, Riot figured that Stark's Fervor was really quite expensive, seeing to the big old Recurve bow making it all expensive when you could be using the 40% speed boost. So, the decided to change it up, granting health AND cool-down, while giving an attack speed bonus and life steal to all nearby teamies. They also decided to rename Fervor to Zeke's Herald in honor of some guy who recruited like 1,000 people to join the league using the "Refer a friend" use system. Reading up on this system it has clearly stated to not put it somewhere where people could just accidentally click it. And there's now way you should make around 5,000 smurf accounts so you can get all content unlock ever. However, I could use some more IP. If you just so happen to need an account, feel free to use this link here, and help me out. I'm not much of one for begging, but it'd be kind of cool if I got 10,000 Riot Points. Help a bro out.

Other items include a reworked Emblem of valor (+25 armor, nearby teamies get 10 hp regen per 5 seconds) and the locket of the "Iron Solari" which builds out of the Valor and grants an additional 10 defense, 300 health, another 5 regen. per 5 and an activatable shield that does: "Shield yourself and nearby allies for 5 seconds, absorbing up to 50 (+10 per level) damage (60 second cooldown)." I can now see myself possibly getting some of these items to help my team out, that is if Im not too busy getting 2 Bloodthirsters.
Another thing I've decided to start doing is giving the free champion rotation, really start to help you guys out. I know I always forget. I'll give each character and a summary of what they do, or why they may be free this week.
Free Champions for Season 2: Week 10

  • Jax- After having so many changes made to him, it seems Riot's giving us the chance to test drive their new baby
  • Nunu- giant yeti tank with slows. Fairly easy to play, fairly cheap. Good champion for new characters who want to sponge up some damage
  • Ryze- AP Nuke with a cute little cage to make everyone mad, also a cheap champion for anyone who wants to do cheap damage.
  • Zilean- support who's ult literally brings people back from the dead. He also makes bombs and doesn't afraid of anything
  • Shen- Tank ninja. He can teleport too. Oh, he's also pretty cheap. Anything else?
  • Gailo- gargoyle meets pterodactyl. His ult is a major AoE which annoys everyone.
  • Urgot- Humpty-Dumpty successfully put back together, still gives me nightmares.
  • Caitlyn- Chick with big gun with OP ult. I've made my point.
  • Cassiopeia- One of the hardest characters to learn and probably my overall least favorite character. There is nothing worse than a good Cass going up against you, I've nicknamed her "Snake Bitch"
  • Sejuani - The latest champion. Riot always likes to give out the news ones for a bit to let everyone take them for a spin.
One last thing, I hit 1,000 views. I literally doubled my views in 13 days. I don't know what it is about you guys and Jax, but hey I'm not complaining.


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