Tuesday, January 31, 2012

LoL: sharing the Love

Every few days I check the League's Homepage to see if anything new has happened, and so then I can turn around and report it to you, since you guys love to hear me go on about the LoL so much. However, today I found that something new HAS happened! As it turns out, Riot figured that Stark's Fervor was really quite expensive, seeing to the big old Recurve bow making it all expensive when you could be using the 40% speed boost. So, the decided to change it up, granting health AND cool-down, while giving an attack speed bonus and life steal to all nearby teamies. They also decided to rename Fervor to Zeke's Herald in honor of some guy who recruited like 1,000 people to join the league using the "Refer a friend" use system. Reading up on this system it has clearly stated to not put it somewhere where people could just accidentally click it. And there's now way you should make around 5,000 smurf accounts so you can get all content unlock ever. However, I could use some more IP. If you just so happen to need an account, feel free to use this link here, and help me out. I'm not much of one for begging, but it'd be kind of cool if I got 10,000 Riot Points. Help a bro out.

Other items include a reworked Emblem of valor (+25 armor, nearby teamies get 10 hp regen per 5 seconds) and the locket of the "Iron Solari" which builds out of the Valor and grants an additional 10 defense, 300 health, another 5 regen. per 5 and an activatable shield that does: "Shield yourself and nearby allies for 5 seconds, absorbing up to 50 (+10 per level) damage (60 second cooldown)." I can now see myself possibly getting some of these items to help my team out, that is if Im not too busy getting 2 Bloodthirsters.
Another thing I've decided to start doing is giving the free champion rotation, really start to help you guys out. I know I always forget. I'll give each character and a summary of what they do, or why they may be free this week.
Free Champions for Season 2: Week 10

  • Jax- After having so many changes made to him, it seems Riot's giving us the chance to test drive their new baby
  • Nunu- giant yeti tank with slows. Fairly easy to play, fairly cheap. Good champion for new characters who want to sponge up some damage
  • Ryze- AP Nuke with a cute little cage to make everyone mad, also a cheap champion for anyone who wants to do cheap damage.
  • Zilean- support who's ult literally brings people back from the dead. He also makes bombs and doesn't afraid of anything
  • Shen- Tank ninja. He can teleport too. Oh, he's also pretty cheap. Anything else?
  • Gailo- gargoyle meets pterodactyl. His ult is a major AoE which annoys everyone.
  • Urgot- Humpty-Dumpty successfully put back together, still gives me nightmares.
  • Caitlyn- Chick with big gun with OP ult. I've made my point.
  • Cassiopeia- One of the hardest characters to learn and probably my overall least favorite character. There is nothing worse than a good Cass going up against you, I've nicknamed her "Snake Bitch"
  • Sejuani - The latest champion. Riot always likes to give out the news ones for a bit to let everyone take them for a spin.
One last thing, I hit 1,000 views. I literally doubled my views in 13 days. I don't know what it is about you guys and Jax, but hey I'm not complaining.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Steam: Hats 2 Go

So, I got up today and did what I always do: pray to the hat god so I may have luck in my drops and trades. 
As per the usual, it genereally does nothing.
But, I know that one day that Robin Walker may answer my prayers. 
However, today was a smidge different. I got on Steam and got a message from my friend who just so happens to be the Norse god of Thunder. He told me he wasn't home. I said oh, okay.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize what this meant. He told me that he had just gotten Steam, on his phone.

I instantly thought of what this meant to me. Mostly nothing since I don't own a phone and I live in the dark ages, but then it occurred to me: trading. I seem to leave my house for sometimes the majority of the day, and that really ruins my plans of someday being the one overlord of TF2. But, Steam Mobile has no trading capabilities, yet.

I think it will only be a matter of time until Robin Walker's hat senses go off and he puts hats of Steam Mobile, and the the introduction of trading will come shortly after. Upon this day I will buy 17 phones for more trading power. I just can't wait. Although Steam Mobile is still on Beta, I can still see many updates in the future. The future of hats could very well depend on this moment.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012



for all of those wondering why I'm having a giant fangasm is because Riot has recently announced a few new updates to one of my favorite features: Co-Op Vs. AI. For those of you fearing Skynet, don't fret, its only now getting to the point of robots gaining sentient thought. We have a few more years of life yet before we must welcome our new robot overlords. The inclusion of this update not only lends new robots for me to completely decimate hone my skills against, but also comes with the Crystal Scar (AKA Dominion) as a new set of Co-Op gameplay.  Now, I do realize that some of you may think that bots are useless, stupid wastes of time that serve no purpose except for a quick game and easy IP. And you may be right. But in the end, I have countless of hours of fun just screwing around with friends, and for all its worth, I love the bots for their help in training me. God knows I use them for figuring out countless builds. Bot games really are perfect tools.

Oh, and before I leave, I just want to bring this up. I'm not much of a fan generally of new champions, but this one looks like a mix of bomberman and a teddy bear. I'm interested in this guy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

TF2: The Perils of Hats

All Fear Gaben's Hammer
People of the Internet, the world is not comprised of sunshine, unicorns and glitter as you may have fooled yourself to be. Today’s post is brought to you by the depressing part that rests in all of us: greed. To the more innocent/new/non TF2 playing readers, I bring to you today a topic that all of us know happens, but one that most people don’t necessarily think about: scamming. I bring this up because on Monday, someone attempted that very thing to me, but more on that later.

For those following my string of posts about my current dealings in the unusual market know that I am currently in ownership of a Steaming Sola Topi and a Nuts and Bolts One Man Army. I plan on selling these for 3.5 Earbuds or bundling them with a TS Bills I acquired recently for 4 Earbuds, that or taking an unusual offer, pushing me towards my goal of a Sunbeams Hotrod. So, around noon I got a friend request and a guy offered me a Scorching Defiant Spartan. (I apologize to those readers who don’t quite get the vernacular of this post) This is a hat priced in the range of 6 to 8 Earbuds, if handled correctly. Of course, I just about dropped my pants, but I knew that in the unusual market, people weren’t always trustworthy, so I’m going to make this post a guide of tips to help avoid getting scammed.
·         Time Take to initiate trade. Saying this I mean if it takes the guy around 10 minutes to invite you to trade, or he says he’s a bit busy, use this to be wary. This doesn’t mean the guy is going to scam you, but it should be an omen of bad things to come.
·         Trade on TF2. I know that Steam trade is cool and all, but if you start trading in-game it tells you a few things. First you can see the purple border of an unusual if it’s turned on. It also tells you if the item has been re-named or has a new description. Make sure you pay attention to the name, icon, and description of the unusual/ hat at hand.
·         Don’t fall for cute tricks. This guy offered to give me a couple of weapons for being so patient with him. Thing is, he was a fast swapper, he pushed the Spartan out, replacing it with a Purple Confetti one, and added 7 items to cover up his tracks by pushing up the REMOVED DEFIANT SPARTAN text and the ADDED DEFIANT SPARTAN. At the same time, I got an invite to a new steam group which I did look at. This is a bad omen as well.
·         When you click the “Ready to Trade” checkmark, it does not initiate the trade. Take the time to go over and examine every item in the trade, both yours and his. If he changes the trade in anyway, the trade undoes your checkmark.
·         There is no need to be excited when trading. Take your time. It’s not that hard to get caught up in the moment and accept it. If the effect does change don’t let the guy sucker you into saying “Oh TF2’s server is being stupid. Don’t worry about it.” Tell him you’ll trade when it stops, or something else. Nothing is worth loosing that much money in that much time.
·         Report the guy afterwards. Going under their profile after this scumbag tries to steal your livelihood and sending a report to Valve isn’t a bad plan. I personally record every large trade that involves more than an Earbud. I have the guy’s account name, steam URL, what he offered, what I offered, what happened with the trade, and possible course of action.
So, what ended up happening? I looked at the unusual. I saw the effect had changed. I felt sad. That hat really could have pushed me closer to my end goal. So, I told him “Hey, you got some quick fingers, but you seem to have changed effects there.” He knew I caught him, so he instantly disbanded the trade, and removed me from his friends list. I calmly opened up my Steam Overlay, went to his profile, and reported him, and that was the end of that. I never got the unusual, but at least I’m getting closer to my goal. So, stay safe kids, the playground isn’t always full of nice kids.


Note: I Have a poll up for voting on what YOU want to see more on my blog. You can select more than one option, so feel free to select what you like most.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Flashback: No Title Needed

Every time I get on Blogger to write a post, I always check my Stats, mostly to see how mavy views I've gotten. Since my last post yesterday I've got another 15 views. Whats wrong with you people? I know Jax is a pretty cool guy, he doesn't afraid of anything in the league or anything, but come on.
But lets get down to business. I'll be honest, I haven't been playing as many games as I have been (not to say that I haven't wanted, though) I've been busy with all sorts of things (and nobody has bought my Unusual One Man Army or Sola Topi, either.) But, one game did catch my eye last night when I was busy procrastinating on a major project thats due on Friday, and that would just so happen to be the only reason I still take out my Gamecube every now and then: Custom Robo.

Custom Robo really was one of those games thats hard to not play if you own, or have owned, a Gamecube. Think of lego meets star wars meets Power Rangers meets the Truman show (fantastic combination, eh?) You take the part of a young man who lost his father a long time ago. You live in a dome. And everyone in this depressing little world plays with tiny baby robots to escape from the depressing reality that they have no lives.

You somehow come across one of the more powerful robo's every made, and keep him (Finders keeprs) and continue to play across your small town while you try to find out the reason behind a group of thieves who have been ransacking your town. Interesting right? Its the same ethical of problems, only with more customization! (Think boxing meets lazers.) The robos themselves are tiny itty-bitty boxes that you launch at the beginning of each match, and then you control their flying/jumping around the arena. You can get all sorts of weapons reanging from a shotgun to shooting the face of a dragon. The only thing Custom robo was missing hadn't been invented yet: Hats.

With a campaign that lasts around 6-8 hours (unless you're horrible at the fighting, after which you may just ragequit) and then a free-from fighting game (where you can challenge whoever) and the ability to fight 4v4 or 2v2 or 1v3 this was one of the earliest party games that I owned (Better than every Mario Part ever mad,e except 5) If you find yourself with an impossible need to fight tiny robots who can shoot dragons out of their fists, or just want a good game for about $10 used, Custom Robo is really worth getting into. It was technically the first FPS I ever owned, and its a good one to bring little kids into the new exciting world of guns with. And with te only other exception being Portal, I c
 ant think of many other games with minimal violence that involves guns (Well, at least towards humans)


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Why I No Longer Play Minecraft, and A Personal Thank You

Not my house, just as a little example
This is another game I meant to spotlight about two months ago, but seeing to my big bout of other random things to cover (since my audience seems to respond well to TF2 and League of Legend posts) I have since changed my normal posting schedule. But here it is, my favorite sandbox style game.

for those of you who can't guess the game from the picture on the right, I'll give you a hint. Its Terraria. Does that tell you which one it is? Yes, it is heavily inspired by Minecraft, but its not. Made by the minds at Re-Logic (a group with only two people in it) have taken the original free-play concept, and turned it into a 2d platform game. As a person who really hasn't been in touch with side-scrollers since the old days of the original Mario games on the NES, this was a pleasant surprise.

I've owned Terraria for around a year now, but I didn't really start get back into until about a week ago, when a few of my friends pulled me back into it. Since then, its been grabbing at more of my time, which is quite the challenge as I'm still trying to push my current unusuals into promos, which takes a lot of time. Terraria is undoubtedly a more combat oriented game, with the ideas of "leveling-up" (now in the form of collecting more hp and mana, to getting ore wealth to buy new weapons) to innovative bosses (The eye of Cthulu, wall of Flesh, the giant Skeletor looking beast) it all ends up being a fun experience for everyone, and by everyone I mean a server of 5 people.

Yes, this may be a fantastic way to spend a couple of spare hours while I cool down from a rage inducing round of Ranked of League of Legends, but it is a few steps off from perfect. I can name a couple of times that I cursed my garrpling hook for not going out farther, or myself for not taking the initiative to put down a few wooden platforms so I don't fall into lava, but thats human error. Anyone with half a mind (and a bit of creativity) should look into Terraria. With low graphical needs, its a great game to play on any computer. (I am certainly not suggesting work.)

PS: I logged in yesterday to find that my post on the Jax updates had hit 90 views in a couple of days. I had no idea you like the Grandmaster so much, and this brought me over 500 total views, which I find to be just astounding in 5 short months of blogging. Thanks for all of you readers out there, and all of you who aren't just coming to see the pretty pictures. If you want to, vote in that pole, and I'll keep in mind what you guys want to see.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

LoL: Why Do Women Ride on Boars? Real men In Bikinis

Real men wear bikinis during winter
Guess what?

Yes, we've seen the two facts of the internet coming true once again!
  1. All women have unbelievably scantily-clad.
  2. All men are perverts.
I cant seem to fathom why "Sejuani: The Winters Wrath" would be out wearing her lingere bikini during winter. Maybe thats why she's so wrathful-- she's really cold.

As seen in this champion spotlight it looks like we're in for what I've dubbed Riot Sickness: Where characters upon release have unbelievable amounts of power, and then get nerfed in the next few patches. It happens to just about every champion upon release: probably because the make them so OP for Phreak to dominate everything in the Spotlight (nobody can be that good at everything, right?) and then to just get people to spend their monies on RP so Riot makes oodles of cash just for putting out a Potemkin of a new champion. Remember Rumble? Still in the Champion's Orphanarium, because NOBODY PLAYS HIM. If Rumble was a summoner, he'd probably summon Heimerdinger. Oh the sweet irony.

So maybe I'm just out of the loop or something, but here's what I think: What if we took new champion, and made them WEAKER on release. I can't be bothered to go back over all of the release notes to find that one champion who was BUFFED upon release, mostly because I don't care. I've got better things to do. I'll get back on the League when things cool dow, or maybe I'll play some bot games. I could always use a gret game going 55/0/73. Those are the best.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

TF2: My Hat Is On fire, What Can Yours Do?

Sunbeams are bestbeams
I've done it, ladies and gentlemen of the internet! I am now officially an unusual hat trader! Yeah, I don't really consider selling fetti unusuals as that impressive of a feat. But what I consider to be pretty cool is that in one month of trading, I've managed to gross 5 buds in value, without selling any of my beautiful vintage hats!*
(* I did sell my hats, most of which were painted in various desirable colors, like black for large profits, I have since re-acquired those hats, without the paint, something I really didn't need) So, since I was last talking to you, I believe I was telling you about my Vintage Bills and Earbuds, and how I had since sold them for a Magistrate's Mullet with Burning flames. For those of you who don't care for unusuals (which is a lie) or aren't quite to the level of trading, as it does require a large amount of wealth to get into the market.

Another thing I wish to address was brought up to me recently when playing on 2fort. I am frequently asked when trading why I put so much time into buying and selling virtual hats. My answer is simple: I find it to be fun.

Really, when you think of it, why would anyone do anything? Mostly because its either enjoyable, or they need to do it. I choose to spend my free time selling hats because I love TF2 (and since my comp is so horrid, I tend to trade while I cant play) and see what I can get. Its an interesting little world we live in where we can do almost anything with relative ease.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

LoL: Link-Happy Holidays and Jax: the Perfect Combo

That's right, ladies and gentlemen of  the internet! Riot just could not resist the idea of making new skins for their champions, or for that matter, come up with a good way to fix Jax. But, thats besides the point, now that Jax is all new and stuff (I'm not going into detail, you can read up on it here. To sum it up, they tell us nothing, except they're completely re-doing him, but keeping the essence of dodge is countersrike. I know, right?)

Here's how I feel about this situation: I  never really cared for Jax. I'm sorry. I e I see a remember the days of Jax getting like 50% dodge chance and me getting angry, rahe quitting and going to eat a gallon of Haagen Daaz. But, I've grown out of those ways (mostly since I came to the conclusion that since I don't get dodge, Jax becomes as useless as Rumbe) but now I fund that I have to wait until the new champion spotlight to figure out how much they may have destroyed/buffed Jax.

In other news, its another holiday! Not an official one, but if you click here you can see some interesting thins. Like the new skins. I personally don't care, I got Snowmerdinger, so now I need nothing else.
Except a good Leona and Graves skin.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

LoL: Thoughts on the League

To Riot,

I say this with the utmost sincerity when I say that League of Legends is my second favorite game. Ever. This is (in my opinion) quite an accomplishment. You've gotten me to spend money on a free game (something I almost never do) you've convinced me that multiplayer games dont always need hats (although maybe they should have them anyway) and of course, 5v5 is still a big match, no matter how much MAG fan-boys say otherwise. With this in mind, I would like to give a few suggestions that I fell would make the League more interesting, and more fun.
  • New maps/gametypes over new champions. Saying this I mean one thing: The League has enough champions. This isn't to say that you shouldn't ever make new ones, no, I simply mean that new types (IE Dominion) makes the game much more interesting. I would also suggest, say making a 'random' playlist for sinlgeplayer people or arranged team (only including Treeline if its 3 or less people) this gives the feeling of, I don't know what to play a good answer.
  • Focus on new effects for  champions. Now, I hope I'm not the only one to have noticed this, but there is a tendency to "borrow" moves from other champions (you know how similar the ultimate's of Nunu, Amumu, and Gailo are all so similar?) I know that it must be hard to bring new innovations into the League (such as Cho's feast of Viktor's ability to out-range everything with the point-anywhere lazer) but I know you can! Stop borrowing simple moves from other champions, we got enough make the new ones really special.
  • Think of some new features to add. I've heard of the possibility of voice chat, to adding more customization (I'm not saying hats, but...) think of more ways to make the League more unique, the introduction of new runes (such as life steal) has been a great idea, but try to build that even farther.
With this in mind, I'll step off my soapbox. I know that this is just a cute little message from a blog that only gets about 3 views a day (unless I post on that day) and have no pull on your own world. But, as a member of your community and someone truly devoted to a small bunch of games, I hope you find this insight useful, if you find it.
With best regards,

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Flashback: In the Future, All Men Will Be Flowers

So I realize that it’s been about a month or so since I last did a Flashback. I’ll be honest; I was running out of ideas.  But, I was thinking about old titles and one debate over who had the most OP final smash in SSBB had led me to my next game of the hour: Pikmin 2. Ah yes, nothing like reminiscing about the old days. Back when Gas was $1.50 a gallon, Spaghetti was the best food, and I was still that naggy Nintendo fan boy.  I went through many stages of Obsession, (Luigi’s mansion, Animal Crossing, and SSBM all had their run) but one game that has always struck me as special was one of the longest running games I played. Even though I may have never played the original Pikmin, I knew the basics: There were three types (Red was fire resistant, Blue could breathe underwater, Yellow was shockproof,) you grew Pikmin by  getting Pikmin pods, and by using little numbered pellets, and of course, if you stayed on the planet overnight, you would be eaten. Yes, those were the good old days, watching your time tick away and waiting for monsters to eat you.

Pikmin 2 was set up similarly to the original—you return to your home planet to find that the company that has employed you (a shipping company) is on the edge of bankruptcy. Since you brought home a Bottlecap as a present for your son, you come to find out that it is actually a sacred treasure, and that you can money from stealing—recovering these artifacts from this old word. You play as Olimar, the brave ship captain who commands the Pikmin perilously, or as Louie, the ship’s chef and co-pilot. Going back to this old world (which is basically a giant version of earth, or maybe a deserted version being scavenged by smaller versions of people) to try to get enough money to pull your poor business out of Bankruptcy. You use Pikmin to help carry riches back to the ship, or can clear dungeons and get bigger and better prizes. But, there could be monsters down there, just as a FYI.

New Earth is inhabited by many odd creatures, and you can use your army of little plant men to help beat them up. Some creatures will drop treasure, or maybe Pikmin pellets (used to make more Pikmin.) you can also upgrade your Pikmin. When Pikmin are born, they are little seeds popped into the ground, pulling them out gives you control of their tiny meager lives, letting you fulfill the true power of capitalism—letting other people do dangerous work to make you rich. But, leaving them in the ground for ye much time allows them to bud, replacing their leaf on the top of their head with a bud. This allows them to do more damage, be faster, etc. Feeding your Pikmin dew will grant them flower power. This is basically letting them become the greatest warriors on New Earth.

Pikmin 2 brings in two new types of workers---Pikmin to use at your disposal, purple and white.  Purple can carry 10 grams worth of weight, comparable to any other pikmin’s one. They also do more damage, but have no resistance. White Pikmin are tiny, fast, poisonous to eaters, and also immune to poison. There is no greater joy in the world than to watch some stupid snake-bird hybrid accidentally take a bite of your white Pikmin (who I lovingly call my little pikkies) and watch it die. YES! YES YOU STUPID BIRD! THOSE ARE MY BABIES! THAT’LL TEACH YOU TO EAT MY BABIES.

The entirety of Pikmin 2, although repetitive is very addicting. The cute dialog to funny storyline will keep you enthralled for hours. Although I may no longer own a copy, the thoughts of their quite possibly being a Pikmin 3 (and 4th Super Smash Bros) keeps me from selling my Wii. Until I find a used copy floating around my local GameStop, I have no idea of when I’ll next see my little pikkies. I can only hope that it will be sooner, than later.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Consoles: To Infinity, and Beyond!

As seen to the right, you can guess what this post is all about-- Random things that people think about the next generation of video games.

Yes, yes. I know. We have seen the Wii U, and the PS Vita. But, lets face it. Its been 7 years since both Sony and Microsoft have made something big. Big as in a console, and we all know the PC's never update (other than in components.) Yes, I suppose you could easily say the the 8th generation of consoles could be under way, but the question is, what can we expect?

I grew up Nintendo, became a hardcore Xbox fan-boy and have only recently learned the error of may ways. Broadening my horizons to two systems (PC and Xbox) so I can fulfill life to its fullest. Mostly because of TF2 and its hats. But, what can we expect from expect from the newest Xbox? Undoubtedly more Kinect (still stupid)  and probably Bluray, pushing us DVD users farther into the abyss. I don't want to end up like VHS (which I still use.) I do agree with the fact that it DOES look better, but it is infinitesimally slower than a DVD. Besides, they cost more and I don't want to spend more, the exact reason I don't own Kinect, other than the fact that if I wanted to make a fool out of myself I'd just buy the advanced Wii controller and start playing Wii Sports Resort (which I also don't own.) Kinect is slow, lacks the use of good games, and the entire reason I play games is to NOT do adventurous things lie, you know, fight criminals? If I was going to bowl, maybe I'd go to an actual bowling alley. It means a lot more to get an ACTUAL perfect game than to use a controller and do it. 

So, what does a new console need? Certainly it needs HD abilities, and high graphic needs, and multiplayer updates (think of MAG, I don't think it needs 256 players, but I do think that more than 16 would be nice in a supposed 'war game') Anymore, I think we're seeing graphics getting to as good as they're needed. I think there needs to be a shif it focus. I'd like to see more attention to details. Different rocks, dynamic snowfall, lighinting effects. Make the game FEEL real not LOOK real. Thats the next step in gaming.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Triumphant Return From Christmas, Why Viktor sucks, and How I got (Theoretically) Rich

Yes, I know.
I know.
It's been awhile.
A long while.
But all that matter now is that we can finally be that big old happy family again.
Well, until I go onto Spring break. But until then: Its news time!

A bundle of things have happened since I last updated you guys/ girls (guys). 
  • Viktor Came out on LoL
  • Christmas
  • I got Earbuds
  • I sold Earbuds for my first unusual (Mirror w/ Green Confetti)
  • Re-sold for a very good price
  • Bought another unusual (Pith Helmet w/ Green Confetti)
  • Sold for buds
  • Sell Buds for Unusual (Big Chief with Orbiting Fire)
  • Sell the Big Chief (Only seconds ago) for 3 Earbuds.
So yeah, I mostly traded for a week. But, hey now I'm part of the 1% of people who are genuinely rich (Hypothetically.) And now I just sold two of those buds for a Vintage Bills. God, I am a sucker for anything with a blue border, I really am. So yes, once again I am sucked into the community of Stout Shako shouting Demopans. But you know what? I've come to accept this. I love everything about Team Fortress 2: the game, the classes, the features, its music, its humor, community content, and of course, hats. So, I will continue trading, no matter how pointless it may be. Goal of getting a V bills and Earbuds: Complete. Let's aim for the big guns of a Hotrod with Sunbeams.

Now, lets get down to the big bit: League of Legends and their new machine man: Viktor. I must say, this update had me on edge. I thought that I was going to be facing something huge, they made him a comic and everything. Instead we got a little man with annoying death beam and a slow/stun. Which as far as I'm concerned is good, Volibear was so overpowered upon his release I had to stop playing the game.  But seeing that this is for once, an underpowered release, I find it to be a nice break from the norm. 

During Christmas I got two games: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Dead Rising 2- Off the Record. I don't know if I will do reviews for the or not, since I personally think my reviews are probably fairly boring. So, I'll leave it up to you- the viewers. I'm going to make another poll, and who knows? Maybe more than 2 people will vote this time. Oh well.
