Tuesday, January 10, 2012

LoL: Thoughts on the League

To Riot,

I say this with the utmost sincerity when I say that League of Legends is my second favorite game. Ever. This is (in my opinion) quite an accomplishment. You've gotten me to spend money on a free game (something I almost never do) you've convinced me that multiplayer games dont always need hats (although maybe they should have them anyway) and of course, 5v5 is still a big match, no matter how much MAG fan-boys say otherwise. With this in mind, I would like to give a few suggestions that I fell would make the League more interesting, and more fun.
  • New maps/gametypes over new champions. Saying this I mean one thing: The League has enough champions. This isn't to say that you shouldn't ever make new ones, no, I simply mean that new types (IE Dominion) makes the game much more interesting. I would also suggest, say making a 'random' playlist for sinlgeplayer people or arranged team (only including Treeline if its 3 or less people) this gives the feeling of, I don't know what to play a good answer.
  • Focus on new effects for  champions. Now, I hope I'm not the only one to have noticed this, but there is a tendency to "borrow" moves from other champions (you know how similar the ultimate's of Nunu, Amumu, and Gailo are all so similar?) I know that it must be hard to bring new innovations into the League (such as Cho's feast of Viktor's ability to out-range everything with the point-anywhere lazer) but I know you can! Stop borrowing simple moves from other champions, we got enough make the new ones really special.
  • Think of some new features to add. I've heard of the possibility of voice chat, to adding more customization (I'm not saying hats, but...) think of more ways to make the League more unique, the introduction of new runes (such as life steal) has been a great idea, but try to build that even farther.
With this in mind, I'll step off my soapbox. I know that this is just a cute little message from a blog that only gets about 3 views a day (unless I post on that day) and have no pull on your own world. But, as a member of your community and someone truly devoted to a small bunch of games, I hope you find this insight useful, if you find it.
With best regards,

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