Saturday, January 28, 2012

Steam: Hats 2 Go

So, I got up today and did what I always do: pray to the hat god so I may have luck in my drops and trades. 
As per the usual, it genereally does nothing.
But, I know that one day that Robin Walker may answer my prayers. 
However, today was a smidge different. I got on Steam and got a message from my friend who just so happens to be the Norse god of Thunder. He told me he wasn't home. I said oh, okay.

It took me a couple of seconds to realize what this meant. He told me that he had just gotten Steam, on his phone.

I instantly thought of what this meant to me. Mostly nothing since I don't own a phone and I live in the dark ages, but then it occurred to me: trading. I seem to leave my house for sometimes the majority of the day, and that really ruins my plans of someday being the one overlord of TF2. But, Steam Mobile has no trading capabilities, yet.

I think it will only be a matter of time until Robin Walker's hat senses go off and he puts hats of Steam Mobile, and the the introduction of trading will come shortly after. Upon this day I will buy 17 phones for more trading power. I just can't wait. Although Steam Mobile is still on Beta, I can still see many updates in the future. The future of hats could very well depend on this moment.


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