Tuesday, January 17, 2012

LoL: Why Do Women Ride on Boars? Real men In Bikinis

Real men wear bikinis during winter
Guess what?

Yes, we've seen the two facts of the internet coming true once again!
  1. All women have unbelievably scantily-clad.
  2. All men are perverts.
I cant seem to fathom why "Sejuani: The Winters Wrath" would be out wearing her lingere bikini during winter. Maybe thats why she's so wrathful-- she's really cold.

As seen in this champion spotlight it looks like we're in for what I've dubbed Riot Sickness: Where characters upon release have unbelievable amounts of power, and then get nerfed in the next few patches. It happens to just about every champion upon release: probably because the make them so OP for Phreak to dominate everything in the Spotlight (nobody can be that good at everything, right?) and then to just get people to spend their monies on RP so Riot makes oodles of cash just for putting out a Potemkin of a new champion. Remember Rumble? Still in the Champion's Orphanarium, because NOBODY PLAYS HIM. If Rumble was a summoner, he'd probably summon Heimerdinger. Oh the sweet irony.

So maybe I'm just out of the loop or something, but here's what I think: What if we took new champion, and made them WEAKER on release. I can't be bothered to go back over all of the release notes to find that one champion who was BUFFED upon release, mostly because I don't care. I've got better things to do. I'll get back on the League when things cool dow, or maybe I'll play some bot games. I could always use a gret game going 55/0/73. Those are the best.


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