Thursday, February 2, 2012

League of Legends: The Post That Santa Forgot

Here in my workshop I have a schedule for my posting, generally on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday for easier reading purposes. It also makes it so I keep a more rigid schedule, as it is my goal to blog 3 times a week. Yesterday I completely neglected to do Wednesday’s post. It was on my time the entirety of the day, but I never got to it. Why? Because I was much too busy playing the thing I was going to review.

A few of my more frequent readers may remember me mentioning a week or so ago that in the upcoming patch they were completely overhauling Coop v. AI. They were adding around 30 or so new bots, updating the modes to include Dominion, and making the bots just one step closer to Skynet.      Other than my fears of the new robot overlords, I did spend basically all of my time yesterday investigating this new mode so I could give all my readers a good feel for what they could expect if they were going to start playing Coop. My suggestion: Do it.

The old bots, to be nice, had absolutely no skill. None. Absolutely Nothing.  When I first started playing League of Legends I had next to no skill. I had never played Defense of the ancients (A Warcraft III mod that is the birth idea of the League) so I tried a range of characters. My first game of LoL I rolled Pantheon and got him 2 Warmogs. I figured more health meant more survivability. I was very wrong.  So, I started play Coop, and started on easy mode. I chose the lovely pirate known as Gangplank. He had the longest chest hair I had ever beheld. Gangplank would end up being the first champion I ever bought, following Heimerdinger (who became FTP after Gangplank, and before I had enough IP to get him, he also reminded me of an Erwin Schrodinger-Engineer hybrids, another love at first sight.) These were the two champions I really bonded to, and give me a mix depending on our team: AP or Attack Damage.

I used to engage in countless bot games, playing until I didn’t have to look down at the keyboard, didn’t die, and got at least 10 kills. When I hit this point, I went on to Intermediate games, doing the same process to get a strong hold of my champions.  When I finally felt that I knew my champions I went out and played real games. With my experience being much higher than other players at my skill level I generally did a lot better in games. I got other champions (most notably Anivia, Cho’Gath, and Graves) and did the same processes for them, as of recently I bought Leona for a tank, and I’m starting to do the same for her.

However, I find myself with the need to completely re-do the roster for all of my champions. This new updates gives a more wide-range feel for these champions, and makes the game feel much more realistic. So my line-up of champions: Anivia, Cho’Gath, Gangplank, Graves, Heimerdinger and Leona gives me a full feeling of the League, (two AD carries, one AP Nuke, one tanky-mage and one AD Tank) but this also means that I need to re-train so I can get back up to my old playing status. It’s hard to juggle 6 characters, especially when you end up playing a few over the rest. But, I’m getting back into all my characters, slowly and surely, and rest assured, I bet the same thing could easily happen to you.


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