Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ironic Animals and Viewing Screens

If you spent your time growing up in a similar fashion as me, you probably have spent a good chunk of your life of the internet. I personally feel right at home on the internet, my head is a vault filled with metric gallons of memes. I really have been far even as decided to use even go want do more look like. I remember when YouTube was a year old, deviant art was full of idiots (and to some point, still is) and icanhascheezrger was no more of a conglomerate as there were fails on the internet. I remember so many things from my days of randomly browsing the internet. But I wasn't a regular on sites like YTMND or Funnyjunk. My upbringing was more on AlbinoBlackSheep, and eventually, Youtube. 

For those of you who may not have heard of AlbinoBlackSheep just imagine a mix between Newgrounds and AddictingGames, flash games and flash videos without the ranking system, it feels like a more casual site. ABS (similar to the break system) was the site to first introduce me to memes, and from there, my love of the iternet. The flash videos on ABS range from completely random to down right stupid, only adding to and shaping my own sense of humor.

What I got most from ABS was Animutation. (Use care while watching some of the videos, some are quite NSFW)  Animutation was created by Neil Cicirega, you may have heard of him, he made the Potter Puppet Pals series and is quite popular on YouTube. Hyakugojyuuichi, which is riddled with so many refrences and memes (most of which are ancient) that going back and reviewing them now almost baffles me. But, I remeber this flash video well. Although you may not have heard of Animutation, you can be certain that if you've watched enough flash videos, you've seen the style. You know when you cut out the obttom of the mouth on a picture, and then move it back and forth to show speak? Just one part of 13 year old Cicirega's brilliance.

For those of you who have been to or have now viewed ABS, you may find it quite odd, or just think of me being an idiot for liking what makes absolutely no sense, and you know what? I really don't care. There is a reason that I can't look at JJ the Jetplane, the Smurfs and Mr. Bean the same way anymore. There is a reason I break out everyrime I hear the word Ixofalxonigl, and there is a reason that I enjoy memes, and it all started with these random few videos, and if you got the time, brainpower (or perhaps lack of) and stomach to watch (some of these videos do contain child-ruining content. You have been warned) then go on ahead, and you know what? Welcome to the internet.


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