Saturday, April 28, 2012

League of Legends: Updates Inbound

Touching base quickly with League of Legends before this new update comes out, we’re seeing 5 major things:

  • Spectator mode—this is the one I’ve been wanting. Now I finally have the power to just sit back and watch my friends screw up, instead of me having to be there too. It works out for everyone. What I didn’t get from Riot’s video is if they’re going to include with that a recording feature, something that I’d really want to make videos on LoL in the near future.

  • Buffs to both Master Yi and Ryze—I’m not sure why Riot has chosen to punish the desciples of Summoner’s Rift, but I guess I’ll just go back to TF2.
  • Tank/Supports getting more magic resist—this includes: Alistar, Amumu, Leona, Taric and Nunu. It’s your lucky day, kids!
  • Changes to AP items—For a full list of changes watch the viedo, but I can tell you that Deathfire Grasp, Morello’s Evil Tome and Will of the ancients are all on the change list.
  • Heracrim—The new champion. Half man, half horse, all played in jungle by Phreak.

Well, it looks like a new, adventurous update for everyone involved. I’m going back to TF2 for now kids, see you later.


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