Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Xbox: How do You Keep Dragging Me Back?

I have to admit that over the last year, I have moved away from my Xbox. I haven't properly payed my Xbox since the beginning of the year, when I was still on my Honeymoon with Skyrim. But, I just can't seem to forget about my 3rd true gaming love. I was able to let go of the GameCube in a couple of seconds to get the Wii, I swapped the Wii for the Xbox without one tear shed, but now with my transitioning from PC from Xbox, I'm slowing down. I admit, it may have something to do with the fact that running TF2 on my computer makes the things shake with fear, but I think there's two titles that are still holding me back.

For those of you who guessed by looking at the picture, my first game should come as no shock. Halo 3 remains in my all time top 5 games, (which I will probably talk about at a later date) I played Reach, although I feel it had the same problem that Skyrim had. Skyrim was better than Oblivion in every single way Graphics, storyline, attack features. Everything was an improvement. But, the character was gone, and I no longer felt that special spark that I got from the raging at SWAT or getting Red Team on Avalanche. I missed the stupid guards who would want to attack because I wore m Gray Cowl, but if I took it off a second before they were to attack me, they'd ask me how my day was going. I miss that stupid charm.

So why am I excited for Halo 4? well, this is why. Go ahead and click the link to the pretty YouTube video, I assure you it'll get you going too. I will miss the Covenant, that's for sure, but I just can't help and feel amazed by the graphics, the overall feel of movement  that the game generates. I have personally felt that Video Games look pretty enough for the last few years, what we're going to see instead are dynamics. Improvements in movement, textures, differences in the bricks of houses, and maybe different sized trees. Maybe I'm just a bit too hopeful, but I do see a new realm beyond our current generation of games, everything can get better. Hit the page break to continue our heated discussion.

Which brings me to my second game. Also, just look above. You'll see which game I'm going on about. I do feel the Bioshock (Another one of the Top 5) was one of the greatest games I have ever played. I do feel that Bioshock 2 should have been superior, in pretty much every single way.

It wasn't.

Just like Skyrim and Reach, Bioshock 2 was better in Graphics, gameplay, and almost even storyline (I count Minerva's Den as part of the storyline, which makes Bioshock 2 much better, god I loved me some Porter) but it wasn't the same. But, I think it may have had something to do with 2K taking the baby that Irrational Games built, and gave it to other studios. Yes, I know that 2K owns Irrational, but that doesn't make it any better. Ever wonder how much better New Vegas could have been if it was under Bethesda and not Obsidian? I do like Obsidian a lot, but you have to say, the storyline isn't the same, but their good old add-ons, Bethesda made, are fantastic.

So with Irrational getting its love-child back, I can only hope that we will see many bright new things in Xbox's future. Talk has been going around that we may in fact be at the end our our 7th generation of games, and enter the fray with new items. With the 6-7 years (depending if you cant the generation starting with the introduction of all big 3 consoles or when the 360 came out) and with the Wii U being the first to enter the console's 8th generation, its only a matter of time until we get our new systems. Personally, I welcome our new Video Game overlords, I just hope I don't have to open my wallet for another few years before I finally succumb to paying another $500 for my systems.


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