Monday, May 7, 2012

Movies: Avenge This

This isn’t a surprise to see me review, except for the fact that I went out and saw it on opening weekend. Let me put it this way though, I’m a pretty big nerd for comics, and the only thing that I love more than Iron Man is Deadpool, but since I’m probably going to have to wait 1-2 more years for the Deadpool movie, I think I can wait a bit. The Avenger’s is probably one of the year’s most hotly anticipated movies as most of you know, and I’ll say one thing now—they aren’t kidding.

Now, when I go out to see a movie, I want to know what I’m into, even if I’m pretty sure it’s going to be fantastic. In most cases, I use Rotten Tomatoes, since they give a pretty good review of movies. In this case, a 93% review from the critics and a 96% from the fans got me into a good mood for this one. Normally I’m a pretty cheap guy, so I got to matinees, but a big group of my friends insisted on a later time, and I gave in. I’m a talker during movies, making a bunch of funny/stupid comments, and super heroes make me all the more excited.

I’m not going to get very far into the specifics of the movie to spare most of you out there that haven’t yet seen it, but here’s a fair synopsis
As Loki, in Norse myth the god of mischief, comes back to Earth planning to enslave the entirety of the human race, Nick Fury (the director of SHIELD) decides to get together a team of super heroes, which he has named the Avenger’s Initiative. Including Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow, can this team stop Loki from ruling the world before its TOO LATE?

                Cliché overview? Possibly. Do I care? No. This is probably the best way to give you a synopsis without ruining it for you. But, I will go into some of the main ideals.

Acting—Near perfect, but what do you expect when you’ve got a super group together to make a movie? Great shows of emotions, reminding of the humanity of the characters, great lines, and overall great expressions make the move fantastic.
Plot and Props—Once again, the Avenger’s do a great job living up to comic ideals. With characters that look like they’re visiting from one of the many Marvel Universes, and the overall feel like this is a very real Earth in very real danger makes the movie feel the part it needs.
Special Effects—Oh, oh yes.
The “Wow” Factor and Keeping with comic traditions—With great humor comes great responsibility, and although I’m pretty sure I remember Spiderman as being one of the original Avengers, I’ll let it slide, as the overall feel of the characters are so greatly shown.
Final Score—A very strong, and quite honorable 9.75/10. This one came close, but with the overall feel being great, I just can’t give it a 10, I’m saving that for the big boys.

Overall, if you enjoy spending $10 on seeing a movie, or like to spend $10 on literally seeing one of the best movies, if not the best movie of the year, I suggest this one, I love it, and if you’ve ever considered yourself a Marvel fan boy, and you actually haven’t seen it yet, then you better walk to the next movie theater, and buy yourself 10 or so seats, this is a good one.


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