Thursday, May 10, 2012

First Look: Building the Future

I never get bored of cliché titles, they always add to the fun. But, as you can probably guess, and the picture certainly gives it away as well, we’re going to talk a little more about Minecraft.

I think I remember saying that I don’t really play Minecraft anymore, I’m a semi-regular on a server, and I play it when my internet goes out (and I still drastically miss TF2 when that happens) but Minecraft doesn’t seem like my niche anymore. I kind of fell out of it like every other game I play when I’m on a downer from TF2. However, a friend of mine pointed out that Xbox was coming to the Xbox, and I have to admit, it seems relevant to my interests. Minecraft: Xbox Edition came out on the Marketplace yesterday, May 9th (or probably much later than that when you get around to reading this, you late, late, viewers) and as of now, I don’t own it. But, that tends to be what my whole “First Impressions” segments tend to be about—me just giving a small opinion on a game I don’t own.

From what I’ve read, the Xbox version is currently based off of an older version of Minecraft Beta, so some of the features (namely some crafting stuff, and food stacking) haven’t been brought out yet. The game isn’t quite as complete feeling as the PC version is, but anything ported out tends to feel a bit shaky. The handling, and overall feel is supposed to be like Minecraft, minus all the fun mods and creative mode, but it’s got an easy playing feel with the new layout on the controller. Playing with a controller is something I’ve been wanting to do with TF2 for a long time, but since I can be quite lazy I have quite set up the controls, with this at least I can have Minecraft my way.

In the next few weeks, you can expect to see a full review of the new Minecraft, it may take a bit of time (due to some inbound AP Tests) but I will get on it when I can. In other news, the blog broke 4,790 views as of this post. Thanks for all the continuing support.


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