Monday, March 26, 2012

Steam Break!

The Wonderful World of Steam
Get it? STEAM break? It's a play on words, readers. Sorry I didn't do my third post last week, I was busy trading and playing TF2 all weekend, but on the bright side, I have Buds again, and who knows? I'm planning on holding onto them this time, but I can't say I wouldn't sell them for a good unusual offer. Only time will tell on how greedy I can (and generally will) be.In other news, this will be the only post of the week, to make up for the lack of the third last week. So, I figured we'd talk about Steam communities, and the beauty of joining them. 

This isn't to say you should just jump into a new group every time you get an invite, especially all of the random Russian invites that I get, which also confuses me. I always type in English, and when I use my mic speak English, so why invite me to your group when I have no idea what's going on? Its like when a guy added me on for a trade, he only spoke Korean, which also raised the question as to how he knew what I was saying in my original post on tf2tp. But, we got over it buy linking things from the TF2 wiki, pictures are a great way to break the language barrier.

I am personally a member of a few communities, although the only ones I'm active in (if you can call it that) are a bunch of trade_plaza servers that won't make my computer explode from joining. But, if you've ever randomly visited a server, and enjoyed the community, then there's a good chance that the server is hosted by a clan, or communal group. I play a lot on FTL (for teh Lulz) servers since my friend is an admin there, and the community is friendly (and cooperative) enough to generally buy a good bit of my items.

I'm not an advocate for communities on Steam, and most members will already know what I'm talking about, but some of the newer members, or people who come here for the occasional post about my dusty Xbox, or are LoL fans may not. In any case, keep an eye out for groups and communities, how do you think I got my Vintage Lo-Fi Longwave?


Oh, and we hit 2,770 views as of when I posted this, thanks for all the views so fast.

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