Tuesday, March 6, 2012

LoL + TF2: Update Central, And A Builders Plea

Not My 10 Gallon, but same effect
A lot has happened in the past week that I last made my post. I want to thank all of you who voted in the content pole. All 5 of you. All of whom selected everything. God, I love the internet. I'll just take that as a full steam ahead, and I'll just blog about whatever. Thats fine by me too, you guys had your chance to influence me.

On LoL, we've seen the release of Fiora, the addition of mana to the jungle, and another thousand changes to champions, which we've all come accustomed too. I still think that Heimerdinger deserves a change, and although I've heard rumors of him getting a re-make, like Gangplank and Jax got. I think that Heimerdinger's just too hard to play at higher ELOs (and I say this from experience, since Heimerdinger is my main) so, this is what I thought of…

Its no secret that pretty much anyone can counter Heimerdinger, so what he comes down to is team fights where he can enter a bit later when you're playing really heavy games. Heimerdinger's main abilities really lie in his turrets, and because of that, I feel that he should be given back his 3rd turret, getting a new on ever two levels (1, 3, 5) you still get the additional health at level 4 and Ur'Anium rounds at 2, but instead of AoE at level 5, you get the 3rd turret back, and instead of having the frosting slow on Heimerdinger’s ultimate, he would have AoE, along with his upgrade to his rockets and grenade. Now, this does make Heimerdinger much more viable at levels 5 and 9, whenever he gets another turret, so I suggest that his AoE scales with the upgrades to well, UPGRADE!! From like 25% to 20% to 35% AoE, this makes turret placement much more important, and if Heimerdinger could manage it, ganking would become an easier, and deadlier option. I call this the Vlad effect, after the League's own hemoplagic vampire. Anyone can really play Vlad, he isn't too hard to learn, but if you want to be good as him, it takes a large amount of timing, and skill.

I do enjoy Heimerdinger because of my countless hours as another turret builder, the Engineer, and I will now switch focus for that reason. I'm getting out of trading. I recently gave my two unusuals (A Steaming Sola Topi and a black Crocleather Clouch w/ Peace) for a Texas Ten Gallon w/ Orbiting flame. I know it’s not quite the Hotrod with Sunbeams, but I think I'm good for now. I'm going to put my money into miscellaneous items for my characters, and start opening crates. Who knows? Maybe I'll unbox a Team Captain with Sunbeams? I'd laugh myself all the way to the bank.

In any case, its nice to be back. I like taking breaks every now and then, but some interesting things have happened this week, and I can't wait to touch base with them.


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